Confirmation Preparation at Queens

Confirmation preparation for parish youth begins in 8th grade and involves a variety of experiences, including theological instruction either at Lumen Christi or the parish 8th grade Faith Formation class on Sunday mornings, service requirements, participation in a longer retreat and 3 Sunday mini-retreats during the course of the school year, rehearsal in the fall of their Confirmation year, and several other smaller activities. Specifics of all of the requirements are detailed in our Confirmation Handbook 2024-2025. Students are usually confirmed in the fall of their 9th-grade year.
Confirmation preparation for Catholic adults who missed the sacrament as young people can be accomplished either by attending special Adult Confirmation classes, which are scheduled as the need arises, or by attending RCIA classes on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.
Please feel free to contact Jake Gerber, Director of Youth Discipleship, at or 517-783-2748, for more information about these programs.