Faith Formation Classes will begin Sunday, September 10, 2023
With the new school year right around the corner, it is time to think about registration for our Sunday morning Faith Formation classes. Classes are available for public school and/or home school children in grades PreK 3 through 12th grade, as well as an Adult Faith Formation class. There is also a special class for children participating in the RIte of Christian Initiation of Adults (adapted for children.) Our first day of class will be September 10, 2023, and classes will run from 10:15-11:45 every Sunday, with a few Sundays off during the school year. Classes are held in Queens’ school. The last day of class will be May 19, 2024.
Each year our Faith Formation calendar includes a fall field trip, a winter field trip, May crowning and an end of the year fun fest. There are also celebrations of special saints days, liturgical feasts, parties and other fun activities to which parents are invited.
Tuition costs this year will be the same as last year– $75 for one child, $125 for two children, and $175 for 3 or more. Financial assistance is available, as well as the option of participating in our Tuition Reduction Program (TRIP) to help defray the costs. Please contact Betsy Koval at if you need assistance.
Please click this link to register your child(ren) online. You may also pay online using the same form. If you would rather not pay online or need financial assistance or use TRIP, please select “offline payment.”
We are looking forward to a fun and faith-filled year. Please feel free to email or call Director of Faith Formation Betsy Koval (, or 783-2748) if you have any questions or concerns!