Arimatheans provide support to parish families at the Funeral Mass/Memorial Service of a loved one. We are there to serve as Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of…
A great deal of preparation goes into the celebration of the Mass at Queens. Volunteers work closely together to prepare the sanctuary and church when…
This ministry involves the laundering and ironing of the small altar linens (not the large altar cloth) used during Mass. Volunteers are given washing and…
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion aid the priest in distributing communion during Masses. Most often help is needed at the Saturday vigil and Sunday Masses.…
As a Minister of Hospitality/Usher, your basic duties will include: greeting all who walk through our doors, assisting the elderly and disabled in finding seating…
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Sunday Mass. Training is provided for anyone interested is this ministry. Anyone who has received the Sacrament of…
Our Music Ministry exists to honor God through music and serves to the parish by encouraging and supporting the active participation of the faithful in…
Thinking about spending some quiet time in church? Consider becoming an "Open Door Disciple". These volunteers are asked to spend one hour at Queens during…
Spending time in meditation, prayer, and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is an excellent opportunity to experience grace in our lives. The chapel is open…