Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts/Girl Scouts/American Heritage Girls – Groups meet at the school or in parishioner homes in the area.
Knights of Columbus – A fraternal and mutual aid order of Catholic men founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. Open to practicing Catholic men over age 18. Contact Council 609 through our Facebook page.
Parish Office Support – Volunteers are needed to help prepare mailings, write letters and cards to parishioners on special occasions, filing, maintain parish archives, answer the telephone, etc.
Prayer Line – This group intercedes for the needs our parish.
St. Joseph Workers/Adopt a Garden/Cleanup Crew – Maintains the beautiful grounds of the parish church, school, office and rectory.
Women’s Guild – Queens’ Women’s Guild was established in 1934 to unite in service, prayer, and friendship the women of the parish. New members are always welcome.
Click to call Parish Office. for more information on these groups.