Parish Council – The council is a consultative body which unites parishioners and parish staff in prayer, leadership, service and pastoral planning. Members also serve as representatives of parish commissions, committees, or in an at-large capacity.  

Finance Council – The parish finance council possesses a consultative voice in administering parish finances.  The finance council reviews periodic financial reports and makes recommendations concerning parish finances, assists the pastor in making administrative decisions and policies in the care of parish finances, reviews and approves the annual budget and the annual financial report provided to all parishioners.  The finance council has two sub-committees:  Building and Grounds and the Queens’ Legacy Group (Planned Giving).

Parish Life & Stewardship Commission – The Parish Life & Stewardship Commission pursues fellowship for all so that each parish member feels he/she is welcome in the Church.  By identifying and organizing events, it hopes to nurture prayer, participation, service, and financial generosity in the parish.

Social Justice Commission – The Social Justice Commission works with the leaders and members of the parish to promote the social vision of the Catholic faith, to explore opportunities for outreach, and to energize all areas of the parish through acts of charity.  

Worship Commission – This commission works with the priests and music director in planning and evaluating major aspects of seasonal worship.  They work within the guidelines set forth by the Vatican and the Diocese to make liturgical worship as beautiful and inspiring as possible.  

Email Elaine Crosby for more information on any of these commissions.