WORLD MISSION SUNDAY: “In 1926 Pope Pius XI instituted Mission Sunday for the whole Church with the first worldwide Mission Sunday collection taking place in October 1927. The Mission Sunday collection is always taken on the next to last Sunday during the month of October. That day is celebrated in all the local Churches as the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity so Christians the world over will recognize their common responsibility with regard to the evangelization of the world.” ( This is not a second collection. There are mission envelopes in your packets from Our Sunday Visitor. Those who use the Online Giving Program can find a link on our website to designate a donation toward this. For those who do not have envelopes or online giving capability, you may make a check payable to ‘Queens’ and write ‘Mission’ on the memo line of the check or the front of the envelope and place it in the collection at Mass, this weekend or in the weeks to come. We continue to accept gifts for Hurricane Relief also. DAY OF ACTION TO STOP PROP 3 TOMORROW, SUNDAY OCTOBER 23 ALL AFTERNOON – ALL ACROSS JACKSON Rather than watching the Lions lose to the Cowboys tomorrow afternoon, enjoy the beautiful 74 degree sunshine by getting out and knocking on doors to inform voters about Proposal 3. Training starts in the Fr. Murray Parish Center at St. Johns with lunch at 1:00pm and then you’ll be sent out two-by-two with addresses on an app and a script of talking points and knock on doors until 5:15pm. You can show up or sign up: We need people to know that Proposal 3 goes far beyond restoring what was overturned by Roe v Wade. And it also is about far more than abortion. Proposal 3, while lifting any restriction or regulation on abortion up to the moment of birth, it also makes the school and the government have a greater say in the decisions children make than their parents, removing any need to notify parents about pregnancy, or seek their approval for an abortion, puberty blockers and gender changing, which may also include sterilization. That all became apparent in the video we showed at Mass last Sunday, called “I Didn’t Know.” See the video here: Read the full proposed amendment here, with a line by line analysis of where Proposal 3 is extreme and confusing: About 75 people showed up to our Proposal 3 Town Hall hosted here at Queens on Tuesday October 18th. You can still see it by scrolling through our videos on Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church on Facebook. Jesus, protect and save the unborn Fr. Tim MacDonald Pastor |