Join us in the the Church here at Queens at 3pm tomorrow,  Sunday April 28th, when the Let it Shine Children’s Choir performs “Life of the Party: The Story of Martha and Mary.”  There are sets, costumes and fun for the whole family. This is a free event, no tickets or reservations are needed.  a Free will offering will be collected at the door.  The kids have worked long and hard with Carol Hatch and Anne Fleming to prepare this for you and I hope that many will come and support them and enjoy the program they have prepared for us.  



Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to fill out the survey.  For those who have not, you have until this Tuesday evening to complete it.  You can use the link below or scan the QR code.  Paper copies will be available the parish office during the week or in the elevator entrance of Church after Mass.  Paper copies can be turned in at the parish office or placed in the collection basket.  I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that each person only fill out ONE (1) survey.   


The pastors hope to announce any revisions that will be made during the month of May, with a revised and reduced Jackson Grouping Mass schedule going into effect the weekend of July 6-7, 2024.  



Pray for the 42 second graders from Queens Parish and School who will make their First Holy Communion at 2pm next Sunday afternoon May 5th.  Read my article in the bulletin to see how we can use the example of these children’s humble and holy faith and piety to rekindle the fires of our own faith when it comes to believing Jesus is really and truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.


Lord Jesus, Bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time. May this day be an initial step into a life-long love of the Eucharist. Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that they turn to You for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship. Thank you for their innocence and goodness. May their eagerness to receive Your Body and Blood inspire all of us to cherish this Sacred Sacrament.  Amen.  



The Adorers of the Divine Mercy Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel are grateful to those who are dutifully and faithfully filling the open hours on the chapel schedule, as am I.  Only one open hour remains:  Friday nights at 11pm.  If you can make this weekly commitment contact Jeannette at the parish office:





Imagine my surprise when I got a call just before 7:30am Mass last Sunday that Vincentian Hall was flooded due to a broken pipe.  The picture above was taken after machines had been used to suck up most of the water.  This image fails to capture the gravity of the situation as the water had gone under walls to start flooding other rooms. 


Thanks to our quick thinking maintenance staff and a fast response from ServPro, M&K Jetting and Televising and Dailey’s Carpet Cleaning, we were able to clean up the mess quickly and even save the carpet.  I am grateful to everyone who assisted in this effort and for the patience of all those who allowed us to move events out of the hall so we could resolve the issue.  I am especially grateful to Fr. Tim Nelson at St. Mary’s who hosted one of our funeral luncheons while the hall was out of commission.  It is anticipated that all the expenses we incurred dealing with this crisis will be covered by our property insurance.  


To those who, by necessity, participate in Mass via the livestream, I apologize that we have been offline the last two Sundays.  The first Sunday was due to work on the sound system that I describe below.  The second was because of the flood that drowned the internet and most of the technology in the hall.  We hope to be back up and running tomorrow!


Over the last three weeks, major upgrades have been made to the Church sound system thanks to a single donation from a generous donor in the parish.  We are still learning and tweaking the new components, but this should make it much easier to hear the Mass and events happening in the Church.  Special care was taken to make sure that the choir is mic’d for the first time in anyone’s memory and that those with hearing difficulties can patch into our system with no problem.  


We also had reports that many people sitting in the back of church could not hear.  Since this is very popular real estate, we have corrected the issue and the speakers have been re-aimed and their signal boosted to assure that people can hear the Mass no matter where they are seated.  Thank you to the generous and anonymous donor who made these improvements possible.  



“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching” (Heb 13:8-9).


Fr. Tim MacDonald


Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.  Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748  www.queenschurch.com