On October 7th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, members of the terrorist group Hamas launched an unprovoked attack on Israeli civilians.  We have all watched and read about the horrors and atrocities committed that day, and the evolving military response and humanitarian crisis that has developed since.


The Cardinal Archbishop, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, has asked Catholics across the world to join him and the Catholics in the Holy Land to observe October 17th as a day of prayer and fasting for peace.  Consequently, the Cardinal has also offered his own life if it would mean the safe release of the hostages.  


The Queens adoration chapel is available 24/7.  The church will be open from 6am to 5:30pm for those wishing to come and pray before the Blessed Sacrament.  There will be a special holy hour for peace at 12:15pm tomorrow in the Church.  I explain it in greater detail further down in this message.


The fast can be one meal, a dessert, snack, that extra cup of coffee or bottle of beer, giving up some tv or technology time, whatever sacrifice we might make to show solidarity with those who are suffering on both sides of this conflict.  


For the most part, the Catholic Church does not take sides in battles or wars.  Why?  Because the Church knows that there are Catholics, Christians and innocent civilians living on both sides.  The Church stands for peace, for life, and for the protection of the innocent, while condemning any act that harms non-combatants or the indiscriminate use of force. 


Regardless of your politics or where your sympathies lie, all should pray for a peaceful resolution to this conflict and the underlying issues that cause such continual distrust and unrest between the Israeli government and the Palestinians, both of whom believe the country is their ancestral home and theirs alone.    



October 8, 2023

WASHINGTON – In response to the continued tensions and violence that erupted into warfare between Gaza and Israel on October 7, Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on International Justice and Peace, calls for prayers for peace in the Holy Land:

“On October 7, the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, the world watched the operation launched from Gaza and the rapid call to arms from Israel that ensued. Almost 50 years to the day of the launch of the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, once again war is spilling out in the Holy Land. With it brings the mounting casualties and hostilities unfolding on all sides, and increased threats to the Status Quo of the Holy Places among Jews, Muslims, and Christians further dimming any hope for peace.

“The world is once again shocked and horrified by the outbreak of ferocious violence in the Holy Land. Reports have surfaced indicating large numbers of wounded and dead, including many civilians. 

“I join with Pope Francis in his call for peace and his condemnation of this widespread outbreak of violence. As he stated in his Sunday audience, ‘May the attacks and weaponry cease. Please! And let it be understood that terrorism and war do not lead to any resolutions, but only to the death and suffering of so many innocent people.’

“May all who love the Holy Land seek to bring about among all the parties engaged in the fighting a cessation of violence, respect for civilian populations and the release of hostages.

“As we pray urgently for peace, we recall especially all the families and individuals suffering from these events.  We call on the faithful, and all people of good will to not grow weary and to continue to pray for peace in the land Our Lord, the Prince of Peace, called home.”




I wanted to think of something to bring people together to pray tomorrow.  The 6:45am Mass seemed too early to draw a crowd and The Rescue Project in the evening involves many of our more committed parishioners. Not wanting to pull them in two directions, that is why I chose to have a midday Eucharistic holy hour. 


All are invited to the Queens Church tomorrow, Tuesday October 17th, for a 12:15pm Eucharistic holy hour, rosary, chaplet, benediction, and prayers for peace in the Holy Land.  This is not a Mass.   


The Tuesday Evening Rescue Project and dinner will go on as scheduled in the Queens School Gym, from 6 – 8:30pm.  


If you can’t join us for the Holy Hour tomorrow, perhaps you would consider saying a prayer of your own for peace in the Holy Land.


Lord, God of power, might and mercy, all the peoples of the world come from You, and in times of crisis and tragedy, all the peoples of the world are invited to turn to You for consolation, comfort and guidance.


Let there be peace on earth.  Wherever there is war, terrorism or violence, may swords be turned into ploughshares.  We pray especially for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians in the Holy Land.  Theirs is the holiest place on earth, where you made Your covenant and where Your son preached, taught and worked many mighty deeds. 


We pray for a de-escalation in the hostilities of the opposing sides of this conflict, so that hostages may be returned to their families and aid given to those innocents who are cut off from the basic necessities of life.  Comfort the grieving, console the sorrowing, and give strength and healing to those whose injuries may soon bring them to You.  


All life is sacred.  All life is Your gift to us.  Regardless of color, creed or race, we are our brother’s keeper, for You unite us in one human family. May our care and concern for the least among us reflect the great love You have for all Your children.


May the love of the armies of Heaven overwhelm and overpower the weapons of man, in hopes that all of us may one day live together in true and lasting peace.  Help us to seek the intercession of Our Lady, Mother of Perpetual Help and Queen of Peace. 


May every road we travel lead us to You and to new pathways for peace and understanding.  


Hear and answer all the prayers that we offer now and always through Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Amen.     




I have been looking for suggestions to make to you for charities providing direct support to those most affected and afflicted by this conflict.  The best I can offer you so far is Catholic Relief Services who promise to use donations so that “with your gift, families affected by violence in the Holy Land will receive assistance.” 



Fr. Tim MacDonald




Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.  Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748  www.queenschurch.com