This is an important announcement regarding Sunday morning Faith Formation. Between home schoolers who won’t enroll their children and too many public school families who are not being accountable for the religious instruction of their school age children, the enrollment in this program is incredibly low, especially when compared to how many hundreds of children we see on our records who we know are not in parochial school.
We are making every effort to get in touch with families who should be using this program. At this point, I would ask the grandparents who know they have grands not in Catholic school to please give your adult children the swift kick in the pants that they need to get this taken care of, to bring the kids to Mass and to class. Doing nothing is not an option.
I know Sunday Sports is an obstacle, I also know that the new Mass schedule prevents parents from leaving the kids at class while they attend Mass without them. That shouldn’t have been happening anyway. Let’s work together to make sure no child in this parish is ignorant of the teachings of Jesus and the church he founded to get us to heaven.
The education of children in the faith is the primary duty of parents. Parents work. They need help. That is where parochial schools and faith formation enter the picture. Catholic children need parents who take them to Mass, pray with them daily, and enroll them in a formal program of religious instruction. Doing these things allows parents to live up to the promise they make when having children baptized – to raise them in the Catholic faith. When recreation or sports take precedence over Mass and religious instruction, it is highly doubtful the child will find their way to Jesus on their own. Doing nothing is not an option.
Queens Faith Formation Program is a Pre-K – 8th grade program of religious instruction for families with children in public school. Classes meet Labor Day to Memorial Day with school breaks figured in, 10:15 – 11:30am on Sunday mornings in Queens School. The first day is in two weeks, Sunday September 8th. Help us plan ahead by getting your kids signed up now. There is a modest fee, and financial aid is granted on a case-by-case basis. Use the link here: