There were some technical difficulties with the livestream of the 10:30am Mass yesterday, Sunday March 26th.  There was no sound during the broadcast, no matter what efforts we made to restore it.  We have taken the recording off of our social media platforms so people who view it later will not mistakenly think there is something wrong with their device.  Instead, I recorded the homily in my office and that has now been published so you can still have a listen.  We are aware that several of our homebound and snowbirds depend on our livestream and I apologize that we couldn’t get it done for you.  We learn from our mistakes and get better every time.  


Between online and paper copies we now have well over 900 DMI’s turned in.  There are still hundreds who attend Mass at Queens that have yet to take a few minutes to complete the survey.  Our goal was 1000.  It is not too late or beyond hope to make that happen.  If you are one of the few who is reading this that has yet to complete the DMI, please.  Please.  PLEASE.  Click the link below and do it now.  




Paper copies are still available at Church and at the parish office.  Those must be completed and turned in by Thursday March 30th.  If you have filled yours out but didn’t turn it in, please do not wait til next weekend and bring it to Mass.  Make the extra effort and come drop it off at our offices.  


These answers to the DMI provide vital data for future strategic planning at both the parish and diocesan level.  Thank you to everyone who did take the time.


From  The Camino de Santiago — an ancient network of routes spanning across Europe — unites hundreds of thousands of individuals each year as they make their way to the cathedral Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain, where the tomb of St. James lies. In 1987, the Camino de Santiago was certified as the first Cultural Route of the Council of Europe and in 1993 was inscribed on the World Heritage List. The nearly 1,000 miles of interconnected routes lead individuals along a trek that challenges their minds and souls, transforming lives along the way.


This is a documentary that shares the inspiring story of pilgrims on their journey.  THIS FILM IS PLAYING FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY at the Jackson GQT Cinema, 7pm Tuesday March 28th.  


Queens received pledges and gifts from 606 donors to last year’s Diocesan Services Appeal.  We have 353 gifts so far in this year’s campaign. 


Last year we received pledges of $253,298.  As of March 27th, $167,747 has been pledged toward this year’s effort.


There are still some 250 donors from 2022 that we are hoping to engage in 2023, to raise our participation from its current 23% to beat the 40% we had last year. 


Please make your sacrificial offering today.


On Palm Sunday and Easter, the Mass schedule is changing because the Masses are longer and more time is required to allow people in and out of the parking lot between Masses. 


On Palm Sunday April 2nd and Easter Sunday April 9th, Sunday Masses will be at 8am, 10am and noon. 


On April 1st, the 5pm Mass does not change.  On April 8th, there is no 5pm Mass in favor of the Easter Vigil that begins in darkness at 9pm.  



Fr. Tim MacDonald




Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.  Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748