I am sorry to be sending yet another e-mail today!  It will be my last – for now.  Please make sure you read the earlier e-mails as one has the weekly bulletin and the other speaks about January 1, and the celebration of Mary the Mother of God.  


On Tuesday evening January 16th, Queens is hosting Sheri Wohlfert, and you’re invited. 

This is open to people from every parish in the deanery.  Teachers, catechists, aides and staff of Jackson Catholic Schools and parishes attend for free as our guest.  Everyone else is welcome.  Sheri is a great local talent within the diocese and we are blessed that she could fit us into her busy and full schedule.  We are going to extend the registration deadline to January 12th.  Contact Betsy, or call the parish office at 517.783.2748 to RSVP.  


The evening starts with Mass at 6pm, then we move down to Vincentian Hall for dinner and a presentation on Christian Joy.   Dinner is provided by William Harvey who helped to cater the Rescue Project. 


I especially hope those that all those who work for our Catholic parishes and schools will attend.  



If you find some good after Christmas clearance sales, stock up for the Queens Social Justice Commission’s Annual Warming Project coming up on January 20 and 21st.  The forecast says January will feel more like a Michigan winter than December did and as the cold descends, we need to help those in need to keep warm. 


Make sure you check out our bulletin for details on the Saturday February 10th Called & Gifted Workshop being held right here at Queens.  This is guaranteed to fill up fast so you will want to RSVP early to make sure you get a seat as together we discover God’s call in our lives.   

Fr. Tim MacDonald


Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.  Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748