‘Thank you very much and thank you very kindly,’ all of you who support our parish financially year after year.  This happens in the Sunday offertory, online giving, contributions made through the parish office or arrangements made for distributions from retirement accounts, along with sales of stock and gift matching in the workplace.  However it occurs, we are grateful that it does.  


Registered parishioners who donated to the parish with traceable means (offertory envelope, check or online giving) should receive your annual contribution statement in the coming days, detailing our accounting of your financial stewardship in 2024.   If you do not get one or our numbers do not match yours, please contact us at the parish office.  


This distribution of the annual contribution statements allows me an opportunity to address those who attend Mass at Queens but are not contributors, and to encourage those who give modestly to make their support of Queens more robust.


Statistics from the Pew Research Center suggest that Catholics on average donate 1% of their annual income to the church while Protestant Christians average 2%.  The average Catholic parish is often much larger in terms of membership than those of the Protestant churches, meaning we have to stretch those donations even further.  Studies show this 1% of income donated to the church has remained unchanged for 50 years, seemingly unaffected by increased wealth, wages or inflation.  Hmmm.    


If you do give, have you ever sat down to estimate the percentage of your stewardship compared to your income?  Take the amount you give and divide it by the amount you make, and multiply that answer by 100.  For example, an individual or married couple who take home $60,000 a year in after-tax salary, who give $1,000 annually to the church is donating 1.6% of their after tax income to the Church.  If that same individual or couple were giving, let’s say, $300 a year to the church, it would amount to .5% of their take home pay.    


If you are giving $0, that is a problem in and of itself.  Most of our more generous donors are aging out and dying, and that makes Queens’ financial outlook uncertain at best.  $5 a week or $10 a month from someone currently giving nothing could make a big difference if you add it up over the course of a year.  


If you do the math and find out your giving has fallen below 1% or that your income has never reached that level, would you consider doing what it takes to at least get it to 1%?  They don’t call it sacrificial giving for nothing.


If you currently give more than 1%, please don’t lower it!  You are the ones we depend on to keep the lights on!  I hope and pray others will learn from your example.  


You see, churches depend completely on donations for their existence and survival.  Queens is no exception.  The annual budget between the parish and school is over $3,000,000.  Half of that is the school budget and half of the school expense is covered by tuition, leaving about $2.25 million for us to cover through charitable giving.  That is where all of you come in.  


If you are open to looking into this issue, praying about it and discussing it with your family, you could use the chart below to choose a more ambitious percentage of income to donate.  In no way do we want to interfere or take away from other charities you may be supporting.  It is both/and, not either/or.  


Many have commented that the more they give, the more they tend to receive, just as Jesus promised.  God will not be outdone in generosity!


All of this is a matter of Christian stewardship, which is both a response and a responsibility – a response to the many gifts and blessings that God has given to us, and a responsibility to use those gifts and blessings wisely.  We are called to store up for ourselves and others treasures in heaven, paying forward in service and sacrifice of our time, talent and treasure what we cannot repay to God because when He gives, He does so freely and fully.  If you want to learn more about stewardship, see the helpful information in the link below. 



Once again, ‘thank you’ to everyone who supports Queens.  We simply can’t do any of it without your generosity.  To those who could do more or who are hoping to become more consistent, online giving is always the easiest, most hassle-free option. Use the link below and click on ‘create account’ in the upper right hand corner. 




The Social Justice Commission conducts it’s annual Warming Project at all Masses next weekend.  Please bring new and gently used winter/outdoor apparel and place them in the large bins at the doors of the Church. These donations help keep our fellow Jacksonians warm during the coldest days of winter.   



As of January 17th: 27 lives lost, 12,000 structures destroyed.  Fires still burning.  More Santa Ana winds coming next week.


Please consider making a donation to the American Red Cross who is on site providing direct relief to those displaced by the carnage still evolving in America’s second largest city.  You may also make a donation to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as it raises funds to help those affected by the fires and also to repair and rebuild Catholic parishes and schools that have been damaged.  


Please keep praying for all those suffering in the wildfires sweeping through southern California. My heart goes out to our neighbors who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Let’s pray for them and let’s pray for our firefighters and first responders. May God keep all of our brothers and sisters safe and bring end to these fires!

       – L.A. Archbishop Jose Gomez





ONLY TWO WEEKENDS REMAIN to buy your Great 50/50 Raffle tickets after Mass.  Sales close on January 31st.  Tickets can also be purchased at the parish and school office during the week.  Checks should be made payable to ‘Jackson Catholic Schools.’  Your $100 ticket enrolls you in 10 monthly drawings in 2025.  Two winners will be chosen each month.  In the recent past, each monthly winner has walked away with somewhere between $2,000 and $2,500!  


JANUARY 25-26!!!

Next weekend Queens hopes to wrap up our participation in the first Wave of the Stewardship for Saints and Scholars Capital Campaign for Catholic Education in the Diocese of Lansing. 


Our current pledge total is $2,344,681, putting us at 88% of goal.  We need to raise another $320,319 to meet our parish target of $2,665,000.  


428 donors out of 1,550 registered households have made a gift, representing 28% of the parish.



The Diocesan S3 pledge total is now $32,400,000 on its way to the overall diocesan target of $70,000,000, and there are still 56 parishes in the Diocese who have yet to conduct their campaign!  



Queens School is proud to be part of the parish, the Jackson Catholic Schools and the Diocese of Lansing.  Your gift to this campaign ensures that we can continue to make affordable, accessible and exceptional Catholic education available to all who seek it for generations to come.  



The link below will take you to the Saints and Scholars website where you can set up your gift or pledge commitment:


For those who are not convinced that the Stewardship for Saints and Scholars is a wise investment, I hope you will take 5 minutes to read the article below.  With the use of statistics from various sources, it shows the profound impact that Catholic schools can have on the church and on the culture as well as setting up the student for future success in life.  

Each year several students from Queens School are baptized and become Catholic.  Most parochial schools would be able to say the same thing, and that is one of the strongest arguments for why Catholic schools deserve our full support and why you should support this campaign if you have not already done so.  With your help, we can live up to the name of this campaign, to make scholars who we pray will one day become saints.  


I will explain more about it next weekend as we take time during each Mass to recommit to the important cause of funding and strengthening our Catholic Schools for future generations.



Lord, everything we have is a gift from you. 
You call us to receive your gifts with thanks,  
to develop these gifts fully, 
and to share them generously.
Through the Stewardship for Saints and Scholars campaign
help every young person in the Diocese of Lansing
see your truth, beauty, and goodness;
help families to raise their children in the Faith;
and help parishes make a truly Catholic education
available to all.
May the work of this campaign bear abundant fruit
in the Saints and Scholars you are raising up for the future.
We ask these blessings through Christ our Lord.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us 


Truth, beauty and goodness are found in God, in His mercy, and in the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church founded by His son.  

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching” (Heb 13:8-9).


Fr. Tim MacDonald


Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.  Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748  www.queenschurch.com