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The Saints in Heaven are Quite Aware of Events on Earth - Ave Maria Radio

ALL SAINTS DAY:  Tuesday November 1st is a Holy Day of Obligation – All Saints Day.  There is NO Monday Vigil Mass because of Halloween.  On the holy day, Queens will have Mass at 6:45am, an All School Mass at 9:00am and 5:30pm.  I remind everyone that holy days of obligation carry the same weight as the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.  All of us should be enthusiastic in our celebration of this feast day, as one day we hope it will be our feast day as well, celebrating all the saints of heaven who once walked the earth.  Look in the Queens bulletin to find Mass times for other local parishes.  

5PM Vigil Mass- 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mass of Remembrance), St  Anselm Roman Catholic Church, Sudbury, November 6 2021 | |  Online Event

REMEMBRANCE OF THE DEAD:  Each year, we welcome the families of those buried from Queens over the last year to come to a special Mass to honor our faithful departed.  Queens hosted 53 funerals over the past year and we will gather those families to mourn with them and pray with them for the repose of the soul of those they love.  Join us for the All Souls Day Mass of Remembrance Wednesday November 2nd at 6pm.  We are mailing out invites to those who have lost a loved one buried from here.  Every family will light a candle when the name of their loved one is called out.  An opportunity to light candles will also be given to all those who are mourning a loved one, regardless of where their funeral was.  Others may choose to record the names of their deceased relatives and friends in the Book of Remembrance.   The Mass will be livestreamed for those mourners who are unable to attend.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.  Amen.

There will be NO 5pm Holy Hour this Wednesday November 2nd in Church as we prepare for this special Mass at 6:00pm.  

Mother Teresa: No Greater Love Encore
IN THEATRES WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2ND ONLY AT 7PM:   Twenty-five years have passed since the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, sparking a renewed interest in this spiritual giant of the 20th century. Filmed on 5 continents and featuring unprecedented access to both institutional archives and the apostolates of the Missionaries of Charity, this film reveals not just who Mother Teresa was, but how her singular vision to serve Christ in the poor continues to be realized through the Missionaries of Charity today. This is far more than a documentary. It is at once a soaring tribute to a spiritual icon, a powerful witness of authentic Christian charity, and a guidepost for all who seek hope in our turbulent times.

This movie was financed by The Knights of Columbus.  We were unable to get it into a Jackson theatre.  It is playing in 3 locations within an hour’s drive:

Lansing Celebration Cinemas
200 E. Edgewood, Lansing (off S. Cedar at I-96)

Regal Lansing Mall Cinemas
5330 West Saginaw Hwy Lansing

Emagine Cinemas Saline
1335 E. Michigan Ave, Saline

You can buy advance tickets online with a credit card here:

St. Martin de Porres Academy - You could win the $10,000 Grand Prize! Only  350 Tickets Being Sold at $100 Each! To benefit the general operations and  programs of Saint Martin de

THE 39TH ANNUAL MEN’S CLUB RAFFLE TO BENEFIT QUEENS SCHOOL is coming up on Saturday November 5th in the Queens School Gym to benefit Queens School.  The first prize is $10,000 and every tenth number pulled wins a prize.  Truck Raffle tickets are on sale now at the parish and school office and from any member of the Queens Men’s Club.  Dinner tickets are $150 per couple.  Cash, check, credit or debit card accepted.  Ticket sales have been sluggish.  You need not be present to win.  Even if you can’t come or don’t venture out after dark, you could still buy a ticket or two to support this greatest of causes – the students of our Catholic school!  

Community of St. Mary & St. Ann - Charlotte, MI

Pray For Election Day | Hyper Pixels Media | WorshipHouse Media

PUTTING IT IN GOD’S HANDS:  Queens will host an Election Eve Holy Hour and Mass beginning at 6:00pm on Monday November 7th. The Holy Hour will be at 6:00pm followed by the Mass at 7 o’clock.  You are invited to come and pray, placing all of this in the hands of Almighty God, right where every decision involving life and death always belonged – never in ours.  This is not a time to pray for the defeat of partisan candidates we don’t agree with. We will use this time to pray for clean and fair elections across the nation and specifically for the defeat of Proposal 3 right here in Michigan.    The Holy Hour and Mass will be livestreamed for those who wish to pray with us from home.  

There will still be a 9:00am Mass that day for the morning crowd.  This Monday holy hour on the 7th will take the place of the regular Wednesday evening 5:00pm holy hour, so on November 9th there will only be a Mass at 6:00pm.    

5 fabulous front door paint colours – Star Paint

TAKING IT TO THE STREETS:  ProtectLifeMI is providing two opportunities to knock on doors this weekend seeking persuadable voters to educate them about the extremes of Proposal 3.  It is of vital importance that more people volunteer to do this.  

St. John’s School Cafeteria (at Leroy and Cooper)
Saturday October 29 and Saturday November 5

8:30 Breakfast and Training
9:30 Morning Door Knocking
12:30  Lunch and Training
1:30  Afternoon Door Knocking
4:30 – 5pm  Prizes and Dismissal

St. Mary’s Star Hall (basement of St. Mary Star of the Sea Church)
Sunday October 30

11:15am Lunch and Training
12:00 – 3:00pm Door Knocking

We are being so outspent by the advocates of Abortion On Demand.  These personal encounters with voters are our very best means of getting the word out.  You are given a partner so you don’t go out alone, and you are given set addresses in a specific area to reduce confusion, and to send you to homes where data shows the residents there need to hear what you have to tell them.  

Please venture outside your comfort zone.  Don’t sit by idly while Michigan becomes the most permissive state in the country with regard to the abortion of children up to the point of birth.  For more information, contact Haili Gusa:  You don’t have to sign up for these trainings.  Just show up, and bring a friend, or three.  

Women Working Vintage Images – Browse 27,676 Stock Photos, Vectors, and  Video | Adobe Stock

PHONE BANKS:  Queens is partnering with ProtectLifeMI to set up GET OUT THE VOTE phone banks that will function all day on Sunday November 6th, Monday November 7th and Tuesday November 8th.  Thanks to parish captain Elaine Crosby and her volunteers, almost every household in our parish has been contacted by phone about Proposal 3.  Now, we will be calling just about everyone else, focusing on voters all across the area.  If you want to help with this, contact Haili Gusa at the e-mail above or let Elaine know:  They can give you access to a link to sign up for a shift.

327 Switchboard Operator Vintage Photos and Premium High Res Pictures -  Getty Images

QUEENS GET OUT THE VOTE PHONE BANK (volunteers will meet in Vincentian Hall):

Sunday November 6: 1 pm – 8 pm
Monday November 7: 9 am – 8 pm
Tuesday November 8: 9 am- 7:30 pm

Volunteers will enjoy free meals and snacks during their shift.

Proposal 3 Ordered onto Ballot; MCC & Pro-Life Coalition Prepared to Defeat  It | Michigan Catholic Conference

Below you can find all the information you should know and be sharing with everyone you know . . .

:  On the ballot, you see a 95-word summary of the proposed constitutional amendment.  The actual amendment is 323 words, put together clumsily in a way that is confusing and has lots of loopholes.  On the actual ballot, this proposal is listed as “22-3.”  Click on this attachment to read the full text of the amendment, including a commentary about what each section means:

Click on the link below for more information and talking points that will help you explain to others why Proposal 3 is Pure Evil for Pure Michigan:

Proposal 3 at a Glance (from

Proposal 3 would allow:

  • Abortion at any time in pregnancy for any reason.
  • Children to undergo abortion or sterilizing transgender procedures without their parents’ consent.
  • Elimination of the state’s partial-birth abortion ban and late-term abortion ban.
  • Anyone to perform an abortion—even those without a medical license
  • Abortion providers to be shielded from consequences for injuring or killing women.
  • Elimination of all current health and safety regulations on abortion clinics.


Because Proposal 3 seeks to create a constitutional “right” to “reproductive freedom,” this amendment could have negative implications for dozens of state laws protecting life and regulating abortion.

Below are examples of laws that could be revoked or limited if Proposal 3 were to pass:

  • Increased penalties for later term abortions when babies are fully formed.
  • Law requiring babies born alive during an abortion be protected and cared for.
  • Conscience rights of hospitals and doctors who decline to take unborn human life.
  • Ban on taxpayer-funded Medicaid dollars to pay for abortions.
  • Ban on school employees from helping a child obtain an abortion.
  • Informed consent provisions for an abortion, such as a 24-hour waiting period, information on fetal development and abortion procedures, and ultrasound viewing.
  • Respectful disposal of fetal remains.

“Let’s not pretend that this constitutional amendment is simply about creating a so-called right to an abortion. It goes much, much farther than that.”

John Bursch
Former Michigan Solicitor General

The road to (Pure) Michigan is paved with gold |

All of this explains why the bishops of our seven Michigan Catholic dioceses have dubbed this proposed law ‘The Anything Goes Amendment.’  Proposal 3 is Pure Evil for Pure Michigan and the Catholic Church is the only group big enough and organized enough to stop it, IF we can actually convince all Catholics that they should vote and to vote pro-life.   Michigan’s Catholic Bishops recently issued a joint statement about the dangers of supporting Proposal 3.  You can read it here:  

Michigan Catholic Conference

Citizens to Support MI Women and Children is the coalition formed by Right to Life and The Michigan Catholic Conference to fight back, but they are being outspent.  Please consider making a donation to bolster their ability to buy tv ads which are most expensive leading up to an election:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Jesus, Protect and Save the Unborn

Fr. Tim MacDonald