We are completing our first full week of the 2023 Diocesan Services Appeal. We have a long way to go before we achieve our goal of $210,387 and the more than 600 gifts needed to achieve 40% participation or above. I have made my DSA gifts to both Queens and St. Catherine in Concord. I need everyone who has given before to match last year’s gift. I especially need people who have been sitting on the sidelines during past campaigns to get off the bench and put some skin in the game in DSA’23.
The Diocese of Lansing has a nationwide reputation for being the ‘Little Diocese that Could.’ We are by far on the smaller side of dioceses both in area and in population, but we make things happen that other dioceses often envy and duplicate as was seen in the recent efforts to fight against Proposal 3 last November.
Your support of the Diocesan Services Appeal is a helping hand to those in need through Catholic Charities and a joining of hands with Catholics all across the ten counties of our diocese as we seek to be and to make intentional missionary disciples. Please make your one-time gift or pledge to support DSA today.
We are asking that ALL checks be made payable to ‘Queens/DSA’ and that you put them in the offertory at Mass or send them to the parish office, not the diocese. Thank you to those who have already made their gift. You are a blessing.