All too often when I hit the ‘send’ button on the parish e-mail, it then occurs to me all the things I left out.  I didn’t think this one could wait.  The Easter dinner is five weeks away and I have been remiss in beginning the recruiting process for volunteers that are needed on the days before, during and after.


The Community dinners are in their Silver Jubilee 25th Anniversary year at Queens and, as usual, we are in the hunt for helpers, especially considering that Holy Week this year falls during Spring Break and some of our regular helpers may not have returned from their travels in time.


If you can be of assistance in the days leading up to Easter Sunday, or helping throughout Easter day, Sunday March 31st, please use the link below to access the Sign Up Genius and take a shift or two.   


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching” (Heb 13:8-9).


Fr. Tim MacDonald


Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.  Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748  www.queenschurch.com