Tonight at 7pm there will be 10 priests here at Queens providing penance and absolution during the Lenten Penance Service. Please consider coming and bring a family member or friend. It is Jesus himself who forgives sins through the priest, allowing all of us a fresh start and a new beginning. If you can’t come tonight, there are still other opportunities in the area:
Our Lady of Fatima – Thursday March 23, 7pm
St. Rita – Tuesday March 28, 7pm
St. John – Wednesday March 29, 7pm
Between online and paper copies we now have over 800 DMI’s turned in. There are still hundreds who attend Mass at Queens that have yet to take a few minutes to complete the survey. The link closes next Monday March 27th so I continue to send this out in hopes that more people will fill this out if you have not already done so. These answers provide vital data for future strategic planning at both the parish and diocesan level. Thank you to everyone who did take the time.
From The Camino de Santiago — an ancient network of routes spanning across Europe — unites hundreds of thousands of individuals each year as they make their way to the cathedral Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain, where the tomb of St. James lies. In 1987, the Camino de Santiago was certified as the first Cultural Route of the Council of Europe and in 1993 was inscribed on the World Heritage List. The nearly 1,000 miles of interconnected routes lead individuals along a trek that challenges their minds and souls, transforming lives along the way.
This is a documentary that shares the inspiring story of pilgrims on their journey. This film is playing for one night only at the Jackson GQT Cinema, Tuesday March 28th.
The ladies of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Our Lady of Victory Circles of the Queens Ladies Guild have joined forces, inviting you to Think Spring and order plants and flowers for your garden. There are order forms in the parish office and at church and also in the bulletin or you can scan the QR code below. All proceeds from Guild fundraising go to support the Church.
Queens received pledges and gifts from 606 donors to last year’s Diocesan Services Appeal. We have fewer than 200 gifts so far in this year’s campaign. I challenge everyone who gave to the Diocesan Services Appeal in 2022 to please match or raise that gift for this year. Our participation right now is only about 10% of our registered families. Last year we made it to 40% participation and I would like to go even higher than that, but we need to attract new donors in order to do it. Please make your sacrificial offering today.
Saturday March 25th is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. This feast is scheduled nine months to the day of Jesus’ birth because it celebrates the moment the Archangel Gabriel comes to Mary and informs her that she is with child. Join us for the 8am Mass this Saturday morning. A solemnity on the church calendar in Lent is a day of feasting, not fasting. Therefore, you have the option, if you choose, to have whatever you gave up for Lent.
On Palm Sunday and Easter, the Mass schedule is changing because the Masses are longer and more time is required to allow people in and out of the parking lot between Masses. On Pam Sunday April 2nd and Easter Sunday April 9th, Sunday Masses will be at 8am, 10am and noon. On April 1st, the 5pm Mass does not change. On April 8th, there is no 5pm Mass in favor of the Easter Vigil that begins in darkness at 9pm.
May God bless your week before we meet again in the Mass for the 5th Sunday of Lent when Jesus performs his last great miracle before entering Jerusalem for Passover – the raising of Lazarus from the dead!
Fr. Tim MacDonald
Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church
606 S. Wisner St. Jackson, Michigan 49203
(517) 783-2748