More than 800 parishioners have completed the Disciple Maker Index.  This Monday is the last day to fill it out on line.  Paper copies are due to the parish office by Thursday March 30th.  Every adult who attends Mass at Queens is asked to take 15 minutes to complete the DMI.  You can use a paper copy found at church and at the parish office or use the link below.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to do the DMI.

The Diocesan Services Appeal is really taking off.  We have pledges of $149,510, placing us at 71% of goal, with 200 donors representing 13% of our registered households.  We are far ahead of last year’s pace, but there are still more than 400 people who made a gift to last year’s DSA who have yet to do so in 2023.  Envelopes are at the doors or you can make a secure online gift through our website. Thank you to all of our donors who support the parish and the diocese.  Our goal is $210,387 and we have yet to raise $60,877.  Increasing participation is of great importance to show broad-based support for the 100 programs and ministries paid for by DSA.  Every dollar we raise over goal is split 50/50 between the Diocese and the parish. 

The Community Wide Easter Dinner is only two weeks away.  We are in desperate need of volunteers to help with set up, serving and clean up on Sunday April 9th.  Come celebrate the Resurrection with people of many Christian faiths who come together to share the love of Christ and his Risen Glory with a wonderful meal.  To volunteer, call 517.414.4138.  See our bulletin for more details or visit 

Remember, Palm Sunday and Holy Week start April 1st.  Mass Times on Sunday April 2nd and Sunday April 9th are changed at Queens to allow for longer Masses and more time to empty the church and the parking lot between Masses. 




May God bless you and I hope to see you at Mass.


Fr. Tim MacDonald


Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.

Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748