DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY is this weekend.  The image of The Divine Mercy will be venerated at all Queens Masses.  I encourage you to consider attending the Regional Divine Mercy Observance at the St. Joseph Oratory this Sunday afternoon April 16th at 2:30pm.  It is not a Mass and does not take the place of attending Mass.  This Holy Hour includes adoration, confessions, a presentation about the Divine Mercy Devotion and the chanting of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. 


Parents of young people in grades 6 thru 12, please consider taking your children to this Diocesan Eucharistic Encounter at St. John’s in Jackson on Sunday April 23rd from 7:00-8:30pm.  At a time in history when so many young people are doubting the existence of God and the need for faith in their lives, many also doubt the Real Presence of Jesus in Holy Communion.  This inspiring time of praise and worship is meant to bring Jesus to our youth and to bring our youth to Jesus.  There is no cost and you do not have to RSVP.  


The Queens 2023 Diocesan Services Appeal effort began with Lent back in February.  Lent is over but the march toward our DSA goal of $210,387 continues.  We are at about 90% of goal with 26% of our registered households participating.  More than $15,000 separate us from completing our 2023 DSA Campaign.  Any amount we raise over that can be split 50/50 between the diocese and our parish.


This past week our office mailed out letters to more than 200 parish households who donated to last year’s DSA who have yet to do so in 2023.  This is our final burst of effort to get us across the finish line and to surpass our goal and meet our 40% participation expectation.  


Thank you to everyone who has sent in their pledge card or gone on line to record your gift to the 2023 DSA and pledge your support for our great Diocese and the 100 programs and ministries it sponsors.


Our 50 day celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection continues this weekend.  Join us in person for Mass.  The Gospel at Mass is taken from John where Jesus reappears in the Upper Room on Easter Night.  Come find out about the great commission that Jesus gives to them and to us when he sends us forth to Announce the Gospel of the Lord.  


Make sure you check out our bulletin this weekend so you can see the wonderful photos of Holy Week here at Queens and all the memories we’ve made in the last couple of weeks while giving great glory to a Greater and More Merciful God who loves us so.  




Fr. Tim MacDonald




Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.  Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748  www.queenschurch.com