Here is a rundown of everything happening at Queens this weekend on top of our regular weekend schedule.


The Rescue Project Retreat starts at 8am Mass tomorrow, Saturday November 4th.  Then we move into Vincentian Hall for a full day of activities.  This is for the 170 participants who have already been active in the Tuesday night program.  The Rescue officially ends this Tuesday evening November 7th.  It has been an intense and amazing 8 weeks for those involved!


Fr. Tyler Arens will be helping me with Saturday afternoon confessions since Rescue Project participants will also have the opportunity to confess following the retreat.  Confessions tomorrow will begin at 2:45 instead of 3:30 and will last until the 5pm Mass.


At the 5pm Mass we will conduct our Mass of Remembrance to light candles in honor of all those who died this past year.  If you are grieving a loved one you can come light a candle for them also.  


After the 5pm Mass is the Men’s Club Truck Raffle to benefit Queens School.  As of yesterday, I believe it was sold out!  Thanks to the Men’s Club for all their hard work and thanks also to everyone who bought tickets.  


On Sunday at the 10:30am Mass, we will have the Rite of Acceptance for 17 people looking to become Catholic or complete their Christian Initiation through the RCIA.  We welcome them, their sponsors and their families and congratulate them on taking their next step in their faith journey.  


After the weekend Masses wrap up, come back for the 3pm Dedication Concert for our new Steinway grand piano.  My dad and stepmom are excited to visit and I am happy to welcome them.  The concert will begin with a prayer of blessing of the piano in honor of Luke Nathaniel Thorrez in whose memory it has been donated.  Luke died tragically at the age of 4 in 2002.  


There will be a free will offering during the intermission to raise funds for humanitarian relief in Israel and Gaza.  Checks can be made payable to Queens.  My dad opted for no reception after his show.  For the old folks who don’t drive in the dark that is good news.  My dad and his wife want to get back to their dog – priorities!  



I think we could all use an extra hour of sleep on such a busy weekend.  make sure to set your clocks back before you go to bed Saturday night or you’ll wake up to strange things on Sunday morning!



I invite all veterans from every branch of the armed forces to join us at the 8:00am Mass next Saturday November 11th for our Veterans Day Mass.  We will call out the various branches and invite the veterans to stand for a blessing and recognition that is richly deserved.  In an age when too many of our young people are being taught to hate America and rewrite and revise its history, we recognize those who loved life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so much that they risked their lives in the defense of our flag and our freedom.  


We honor all those who served in the United States Army, Navy. Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard.  



This Wednesday November 8th all are invited to the Capitol Grounds in downtown Lansing for the first Michigan March for Life.  There is Mass at the Cathedral at 9:30am.  A Rally on the Capitol steps at 11am and the March begins at Noon.  


You’d have to leave early and be prepared to walk some distance as parking may be an issue.  The Capitol Building is located at 100 N. Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI  48933.  


This is happening on the first anniversary of the passage of Proposal 3 that enshrined abortion without limit or restriction up to the day of birth in the Michigan Constitution.  The overturning of Roe v Wade brought short-lived joy for us, and childrens’ lives in Michigan are more at risk now than ever before.  We could do nothing, which is most of us most of the time.  Or we could do anything.  I choose anything – if it means changing minds, hearts and laws to save innocent babies from death.  


If getting to Lansing is beyond your reach but you might be willing to stand for an hour a week and pray outside of Planned Parenthood right here in Jackson where babies are now being killed every week, go for it.  They need weekly volunteers and substitutes in order to keep informing the public of what is happening inside that clinic and to pray that it stops, soon.  And forever.


Jesus, Protect and Save the Unborn.  



Lord, God of power, might and mercy, all the peoples of the world come from You, and in times of crisis and tragedy, all the peoples of the world are invited to turn to You for consolation, comfort and guidance.


Let there be peace on earth.  Wherever there is war, terrorism or violence, may swords be turned into ploughshares.  We pray especially for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians in the Holy Land.  Theirs is the holiest place on earth, where you made Your covenant and where Your son preached, taught and worked many mighty deeds. 


We pray for a de-escalation in the hostilities of the opposing sides of this conflict, so that hostages may be returned to their families and aid given to those innocents who are cut off from the basic necessities of life.  Comfort the grieving, console the sorrowing, and give strength and healing to those whose injuries may soon bring them to You.  


All life is sacred.  All life is Your gift to us.  Regardless of color, creed or race, we are our brother’s keeper, for You unite us in one human family. May our care and concern for the least among us reflect the great love You have for all Your children.


May the love of the armies of Heaven overwhelm and overpower the weapons of man, in hopes that all of us may one day live together in true and lasting peace.  Help us to seek the intercession of Our Lady, Mother of Perpetual Help and Queen of Peace. 


May every road we travel lead us to You and to new pathways for peace and understanding.  


Hear and answer all the prayers that we offer now and always through Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Amen.     



Please make sure to read this weekend’s bulletin.  I give some uplifting statistics about increases in Mass attendance at Queens, while making a passionate plea to those who only attend by livestream but who are not sick to come back and join us for Mass in person one day soon.  





Fr. Tim MacDonald




Queen of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church

606 S. Wisner St.  Jackson, Michigan 49203

(517) 783-2748  www.queenschurch.com