O Loving Lord, Jesus Christ, Our Savior, on the day of his ordination, Your Servant, Deacon David Barrett, committed his life totally to the ministry of Diakonia. He served Your People as a Prophetic voice of Your Gospel, giving them hope as a Sacramental Sign of Your Grace within the Sacred Liturgy, and being an example of holiness as a suffering Servant of Your Mercy. Indeed, his life was a vessel of Your Love flowing into the hearts of Your People.
As we prepare our brother for his final rest, we pray You will send Your Angels to empty out the many prayers of Your Faithful Servant to Your Throne in heaven. Allow his prayers, the prayers of his family, his brother Deacons and Priests be heard and answered, most especially during this time of sorrow and grief. Amen.
I am grateful to Deacon Dave and his wife Jan for his impressive 43 years of diaconal ministry, all of which were spent serving the people of Queens Parish and the community of Jackson.
“Well done, my good and faithful servant. Come, share your master’s joy” (Matthew 25:21).
Fr. Tim MacDonald