С днём матери! - Mother's Day in Russia - Liden & Denz

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY:  We honor all of our mothers and grandmothers this weekend, living and deceased.  Thank you ladies for the gift of life you give to your children.  It is the gift of yourself.  You then share the gifts of faith and family with your children, and for that we are eternally grateful.  Take more than a moment this weekend to honor those who play the privileged role of mother in your life.  Pay forward the many kindnesses your mother has shown to you.  Here is a blessing for all the mothers out there:

 39 Our Blessed Virgin Mary ideas | blessed virgin mary, virgin mary,  blessed virgin

Mary, on this day when we honor all mothers, we turn to you. We thank the Lord whom you serve for the great gift of motherhood.  Never has it been known that anyone who sought your intercession was left unaided by grace.  Dear Mother, thank you for your “Yes” to the invitation of the angel which brought heaven to earth and changed human history.  You opened yourself to God’s word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.  Dear mother, intercede for all of our mothers.  Ask your Divine Son to give them the grace of surrendered love so that they could join with you in giving their own “Fiat” to God – ‘let it be done to me according to Your Word.’  May they find daily strength to say yes to the call to the sacrificial love- the very heart of the vocation of motherhood.  May their love and witness be a source of great inspiration for all of us called to follow your Son.  On this Mother’s Day, Mother of the Word Incarnate, pray for us who have recourse to you.  Amen. 

Handpainted Oil Painting repro Angels In Heaven | eBay

And for your deceased mother or grandmother:

Dear Lord, relying on your promises to us, I turn to you in trust that my mother is with you and that she is enjoying your loving embrace. You alone know how she loved the best she could and how she faithfully endured the struggles that she faced. You know the graces you gave her and you know the grace she was for me and for so many. For all the ways she truly loved the way you loved her, please reward her, Lord. May she enjoy the communion of all her family and friends who are with you.  Lord, I know my mother still loves us who are still here on earth. I ask you that you might listen to her fervent prayers for us. Help me to grow into a new and deeper relationship with my mother now, as I long for the day when we will both meet in your embrace – freed from all that might have hindered our relationship on earth, knowing and understanding everything we did not know or understand on this earth.  Amen.

“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”  – Abraham Lincoln

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.”  – Rudyard Kipling

“A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.”  – Irish Proverb

Always be Prepared | Hippie Mike

WEEKEND WARNING:  According to multiple sources, there is the possibility of Pro Choice protests at Catholic Churches all around the country this Mother’s Day, Sunday May 8th.  While these protests are more anticipated at large urban parishes and at university campus chapels, all parishes in the Diocese are being asked to be aware and prepared.  These protests are being staged in response to the leak of Supreme Court briefs last week suggesting that Roe v Wade may be overturned this summer.  Here’s the story in the media:


Queens Masses will go on as scheduled.  I have been in touch with local law enforcement and we have been clarifying protocols with ushers and ministers of hospitality to be aware of any suspicious activity.  Key individuals and groups are also being called upon to assist us in being vigilant and staying safe in the event someone does attempt to disrupt the Mass.

The Church is private property and those who come onto our premises to cause havoc can and will be asked to leave, not by force.  Those committing acts of disorderly conduct will be confronted by law enforcement.  We will remain peaceful and calm.  We will not use physical threats or violence. 

Amor vincit omnia! | Tattoo quotes, Love conquers all, Words

We love everyone.  We hate no one.  We love mothers and babies, born and unborn – especially on Mother’s Day.  We love liberals and conservatives, pro-lifers and those who are ardent in their support of reproductive rights.  We will not be intimidated.  God will be praised in this Church as He always has been.  No one will scare us into abandoning our pew or our religious liberty.  

Jesus is my anchor — Design element — Lightstock

As these once unthinkable possibilities continue to unfold before us at a low point in our history, where America’s moral compass appears to be broken, I can only restate what I said in the bulletin a week ago:  “Personally, I find this world was a much better place to live when more people believed in God and practiced their faith. When people are not united in faith at the foot of the cross, anything goes, and more often than not, it does not go well.”  

Knights of Columbus Membership Drive, St. Leo Catholic Church, Murray,  October 19 2019 | AllEvents.in

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE:  At all the Masses next weekend, Queens Knight of Columbus Council 609 will be having a membership drive.  Any practicing Catholic male, aged 17.5 or above can and should be a Knight.  The Knights do so much good for the parish, the community and for each other.  They raise thousands of dollars for special needs children and adults and their ultrasound machines in crisis pregnancy centers have saved countless lives from abortion.

I have been a Knight for more than half of my life.  I first joined Fenton Council 7418 in January of 1993.  I became a 4th degree Knight in November of 2003 and was honored to serve as State Chaplain from 2008-2010. I have seen firsthand the great and honorable work the Knights are doing all over our great state of Michigan.  Every woman at Queens should be an active member of the Ladies Guild and every man should be an active Knight of Columbus.  In this counter cultural world that so embraces atheism and moral relativism, groups like the Knights of Columbus are essential to help us keep the faith and stick together. 

If you are not a Knight or you were once upon a time but have become inactive, come to Mass next weekend ready to stand up and join this extraordinary group of faith filled individuals whom Pope Saint John Paul II once referred to as ‘the strong right arm of the Church.’

New website launched – Mansfield District Council

NEW WEBSITE:  Thanks to Elaine Crosby, our Director of Parishioner Engagement, Queens has relaunched its website, www.queenschurch.com.  It is still being tweaked but it is a vast improvement over the outdated model we had relied on for far too long.  Have a visit and take it for a spin.  For those who use our website to watch livestreams, there is one added step.  On the homepage, look for ‘Livestreams’ in the banner on the middle of the page and click on it to be taken to one of our livestreamed Masses or events.  Livestreams are not archive on the website, but all of them remain visible on our Facebook page.

ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL DSA FOR 2022:  With a 30% participation rate, Queens has surpassed its Diocesan Services Appeal goal of $196,774!  Though our goal was higher than last year we reached it in shorter time thanks to the generosity of  more than 450 donors.  I still hope to meet and surpass our 40% participation goal and I need another 150 gifts of any size for that to happen.  If you are a past supporter of the DSA, now is the time to make your gift.   Some can give more.  Others can afford less.  Everyone could give something.  The average gift is $410.  Any dollar raised over goal is split 50/50 between the parish and the Diocese.
DSA Envelopes are available at the church doors and at the parish office.  Checks should be made payable to ‘Queens/DSA’ and all gifts should be placed in the offertory at Mass or sent over to the parish office.  Please do not send them directly to the diocese.  You can make your secure online gift with a credit card using this link:


On behalf of Bishop Boyea and those who will benefit from the 100 programs and ministries funded by The Diocesan Services Appeal, thank you to all of our donors.  Every gift and every giver makes a big difference!  

Happy Mother’s Day

Fr. Tim MacDonald